Monday, April 29, 2013

Wellness Assessment

This morning I went to the Army Wellness Center to get some health assessments done. Being not is the best of shape I was hoping to get someone that would go easy on me. The receptionist looked like the perfect type. Friendly about my age just in a lot better shape. She said that the trainer would be right out. Who comes around the corner but the man from the Green Mile! This was going to be fun. Well it turned out that he was a teddy bear and the perfect fit to keep me motivated on this journey. He took my vitals, a body fat analysis, and some tests for calculating my metabolism. While at my doctors office when I through out my back I saw a flyer and figured it would be something worth doing. The whole thing only took 30 minutes. While hooking me up to the machine for the BMI analysis I joked that I would probably break the machine and he assured my that I wouldn't. Quick, painless and free, what could be better. While I was there I had to get hooked up to a breathing monitor. I looked like I was a fighter jet pilot with a huge mask strapped to my face with a big tube sticking out. The best part was I was required to lay down. It's not very often that this mom of 3 is required to lay down and relax for 15 minutes. It was wonderful! I would come back everyday if I could be required to rest for 15 minutes while I was there. I'm really anxious to find out my results to see what they can tell me. Tomorrow I head in for the fitness test portion of the assessment. That should be interesting...

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